28 de out. de 2022

The Great People Shortage is coming -- and it's going to cause global economic chaos

Researchers predict that the world's population will decline in the next 40 years due to declining birth rates — and it will cause a massive shortage of workers. 

27 de out. de 2022

The Many Interwoven "Wars" -- A Rough Guide Through the Fog

We now have an embarrassment of "wars" of which paradoxically, Ukraine is perhaps of lesser strategic import -- Alastair Crooke writes.  

The question rather, is what will be the situation come January 2023 in Europe?


20 de out. de 2022

Most US professors are trained at same few elite universities

Just 20% of PhD-granting institutions in the United States supplied 80% of tenure-track faculty members to institutions across the country between 2011 and 2020. No historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) or Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) were among that 20%.


Self-employment rate in 2020 by country

Source: OCDE and https://twitter.com/moreira_uallace/status/1579070158404227073

6 de out. de 2022

There is drug powerful enough to counter the effects of poverty

Medical Care Alone Won’t Halt the Spread of Diabetes, Scientists Say

Researchers who study Type 2 diabetes have reached a stark conclusion: There is no device or drug powerful enough to counter the effects of poverty, pollution, stress, a broken food system, cities that aren't walkable, and inequitable access to healthcare.