17 de nov. de 2022

Western culture and media

How US corporate media and state propaganda advance ruling class interests at home & abroad


What Donald Trump understands

Donald Trump has always understood how the world works—or, at least, how it can be made to work—better than his opponents. Maybe because he has such qualities himself in abundance, his appreciation for human greed, cowardice, selfishness and other weaknesses has given him a granite confidence in human corruptibility. Across the decades, and throughout his term as president, that faith has been vindicated more often than it has been confounded.

Na COP-27, Lula defende novo modelo de governança com maior participação de países pobres


Brasil tem novamente um presidente digno do cargo.



Colonialismo de dados: como opera a trincheira algorítmica na guerra neoliberal

O conceito de colonialismo de dados e a forma como ele estaria se engendrando nas estruturas sociais, econômicas e políticas apresentam tensoes importantes a serem percorridas e foi em busca de uma definição e de uma análise operacional do conceito que surgiu a ideia desta publicação.


10 de nov. de 2022

Pyrrhic victory or strategic defeat?

...putting all together, we are forced to contemplate the possibility that Lula’s victory in the 2022 elections represents a mere tactical advance in a Pyrrhic War or, what seems even more likely, represents a strategic defeat for the historic labor-oriented Left, which has been replaced by wokes with their green agenda and identity politics. The Left may well end up without any representation in the new administration.


Those Yoga Poses May Not Be Ancient After All, And Maybe That's OK


Is The Love of Money and War is the Root of All Evil?

Politics and defense spending are intertwined in ways that most people do not appreciate. 


8 de nov. de 2022

Sabem quem mais destruiu a educação no Brasil?


O governo Guedes/Bolsonaro. Os investimentos na educação caíram de forma drástica.. De um pico de R$ 21 bilhões em 2015, os investimentos em termos absolutos caiu para um valor seis vezes menor em 2022 – 3,5 bilhões.


A complexidade economica do Brasil

O Vietna ja' tem mais industrias que o Brasil:


Espinosa: a tarefa da razao


Bolsonaro derrotado: 10 armas usadas sem sucesso na tentativa de reeleição


China launches final module to complete Tiangong space station


Lista de juristas e militares que confirmam a fraude eleitoral em 2022

Alan Bida Nossako
Andressa Colindo
Benjamin Arrola 

Psicologia das massas e o bolsonarismo


Guedes/Bolsonaro mandando nossas riquezas embora



Dollar hegemony an the SWIFT network
